Yesterday, we went to the dollar store to pick up some miscellaneous household items, and I discovered a bin of very, very cheap double-feature DVDs organized by genre. They are distributed by a company called EastWestDVD and are apparently pressed and packaged in Hong Kong.
I read the descriptive copy on the back of the packaging and could not pass these up for a buck apiece, even if I never get around to watching the movies themselves. Because try as I might, I could not write movie summaries this brief and unintentionally funny:
The most expensive Japanese movie ever made about a plague that wipes out all but 858 people after a nuclear war.
Galaxy Invader
An alien is hunted by a gang of drunken hillbillies who saw him crash-land his spaceship.
Five convicts parachute with their stolen loot into an abandoned graveyard ruled by deadly scarecrows.
Garden of the Dead
Zombie convicts from a chain gang rise from their graves after sniffing experimental fumes.
I want to steal these premises and write completely new stories around them.